Most service to stations on the Hounslow Loop line are provided by trains operating between London Waterloo and Weybridge via Staines.
As of December 2023, the typical weekday and Saturday service is 2 trains per hour in each direction to and from Waterloo. Trains use the Waterloo to Reading Line between Waterloo and Barnes, take the loop between Barnes Bridge and Hounslow stations, and operate to and from Weybridge via Staines.[1][2]
On Sunday, service is reduced to hourly and diverted to Woking.
At peak hours, additional trains running do not serve Staines and Weybridge, but rather travel in a loop to and from Waterloo via Hounslow and Richmond.
Services are generally operated by Class 450 units operating in a 4 or 8 car configuration. Class 455 and Class 458 units also work the line. All units on the line are to be replaced by Class 701Aventra units.[3][4]
The line has seen a steep increase in ridership levels in recent years, corresponding with the doubling of train frequencies from 2 trains per hour in each direction to 4 (except on Sundays). The line's seven stations had combined passenger numbers of 5.565 million in 2007–08 (based on station exits), a 162% increase on the 2004–05 figure of 2.122 million.[5]
Recent changes
Most stations had platforms lengthened to allow the operation of 10 coach trains from May 2013.[6] Where this was not possible, selective door opening is used.
Platform 20 at Waterloo (within the former Waterloo International terminal) came into use in May 2014 to provide additional capacity.[7][8]