The Host Identity Protocol (HIP) is a host identification technology for use on Internet Protocol (IP) networks, such as the Internet. The Internet has two main name spaces, IP addresses and the Domain Name System. HIP separates the end-point identifier and locator roles of IP addresses. It introduces a Host Identity (HI) name space, based on a public key security infrastructure.
In networks that implement the Host Identity Protocol, all occurrences of IP addresses in applications are eliminated and replaced with cryptographic host identifiers. The cryptographic keys are typically, but not necessarily, self-generated.
The effect of eliminating IP addresses in application and transport layers is a decoupling of the transport layer from the internetworking layer (Internet Layer) in TCP/IP.[1]
The working group is chartered to produce Requests for Comments on the "Experimental" track, but it is understood that their quality and security properties should match the standards track requirements. The main purpose for producing Experimental documents instead of standards track ones are the unknown effects that the mechanisms may have on applications and on the Internet in the large.
Host Identity Protocol version 2 (HIPv2), also known as HIP version 2, is an update to the protocol that enhances security and support for mobile environments. HIP continues to separate the roles of identification and location in IP addressing by implementing a host identity namespace based on cryptography. This version introduces new features that allow devices to connect more securely and efficiently, even in scenarios involving mobility and multihoming (connecting to multiple networks).
Enhanced security
HIPv2 strengthens device authentication security and provides protection against spoofing and denial-of-service (DoS) attacks. Host Identifiers (HIs) are generated with cryptographic keys, giving each device a unique identity. The protocol also uses the Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP) format for encrypting data, which ensures the integrity and confidentiality of communications.
Mobility and multihoming
HIPv2's design enables devices to change networks without losing the session, a crucial advantage for mobile and IoT applications. This capability to switch networks seamlessly makes HIPv2 well-suited for devices that require constant and reliable connectivity, such as mobile phones and IoT sensors. Additionally, HIPv2 facilitates multihoming, allowing simultaneous connections to multiple networks, which improves connection resilience and availability.