vol 1: Covers 1846 to 1855. Chapters include the last Whig Government, Palmerston's Foreign Policy, The Irish Famine, The Court and the People, Revolution and Reaction, English Chartists and Irish Rebels, The Era of Retrenchment, The Expansion of England, Theology and Literature, Lord Palmerston's Triumph, The Development of the Colonies, England and the Church of Rome, The Literature of the Mid-Century, Palmerston's Fall, The First Government of Lord Derby, The Coalition, The Eastern Question, The First Part of the Russian War, The Second Part of the Russian War. online
vol 3: Covers 1865 to 1875. Chapters include The Russell-Gladstone Ministry, The Education of the Conservative Party, The Irish Church, Parties in the Church of England, The Climax of Liberalism, England and the Continent, Army Reform, The Settlement with America, The Conservative Reaction, The Liberal Heritage, Theology and Literature, The Ministry of All the Opportunities, Intellectual and Social Progress. online
vol 4: Covers 1875 to 1885. Chapters include The Storm in the East, Lord Beaconsfield's Position, The Fruits of Imperialism, The Storm in the West, The Policy of Reversal, The Irish Revolution, Egypt, The Soudan, Lord Spencer's Task, The Franchise, The Fall, Church and State. online