The Battle of Hannut, which began May 12, 1940, is credited with being the first battle between tanks of World War II, It has a Water Park and many famous chateau’s,And a few museums
The town center has Many restaurants
Within the city and its immediate surroundings, most distances can be covered on foot or with a bicycle. Within the city centre, road speed regulations prescribe 30 km/h (19 mph) as the maximum speed limit, making it a pedestrian and bicycle-friendly city. There are also a few car parking lots. There are several buses, primarily from the public transport companyTEC, that connect the city with the region while providing travel options within the city centre. Bus 127 connects Hannut with Landen railway station and with the city of Huy. Landen railway station is located on the NMBS railway line 36 (Brussels - Liège).
The European route E40 passes Hannut 3 km to the North, connecting Hannut with Brussels, Leuven, Liège and the city of Aachen.