Gorakhpur Mumbai Antyodaya Express is a weekly train which runs as train number 12597 from Gorakhpur Junction to Mumbai CSMT and as train number 12598 from Mumbai CSMT to Gorakhpur Junction. This train is operated by North Eastern Railway zone of Indian Railways. It runs at an average speed of 60 km/h in both directions, covering in 27 hours.
This train has 17 General Second class coaches and 2 luggage cars.
Coaches can be increased or decreased to meet demand.
The 12597 Gorakhpur Junction–Mumbai CSMT Antyodaya Express covers the distance of 1,699 km (1,056 mi) in 27 hours 50 mins (61 km/h) and in 29 hours 05 mins as the 12598 Mumbai CSMT–Gorakhpur Junction Antyodaya Express (60 km/h).
As the average speed of the train is lower than 55 km/h (34 mph), as per railway rules, its fare doesn't includes a Superfast surcharge due to unreserved coaches.