The GPHS-RTG has an overall diameter of 0.422 m and a length of 1.14 m.[1]
Each GPHS-RTG has a mass of about 57 kg and generates about 300 watts of electrical power at the start of mission (5.2 We/kg), using about 8.1 kg of Pu-238 which produces about 4,400 watts of thermal power.[2] The plutonium oxide fuel is in 18 GPHSs. Note that the GPHS are cuboid although they contain cylindrical plutonium based pellets.
After the Ulysses and Galileo RTGs were fueled, their launches were postponed by four and three years respectively. As a result, the missions were slightly adapted to utilize the lower power that would be available.[3] The decay heat reduces by about 0.8% per year, so the thermoelectric converter 'ages' or degrades to some extent.
^G. L. Bennett, Space Nuclear Power: Opening the Final Frontier, AIAA 2006-4191, 4th International Energy Conversion Engineering Conference and Exhibit (IECEC), 26–29 June 2006, San Diego, California