El magnate lit. transl. The Magnate, is an American telenovela created and produced by Telemundo and Ángel del Cerro in 1990. The series was an adaptation of Novo Amor, a telenovela Carlos wrote for the now-defunct Rede Manchete network in 1986.[1]
The story centers around a love triangle formed by Rodrigo Valverde and Gonzalo Santillán, who fight to win Teresa's love.
Rodrigo is a power-hungry man who marries Aretusa, an elderly invalid and millionaire, out of interest, while Gonzálo is a divorced architect, who loves beautiful women and racing cars.
Both will have a change in their lives when Teresa, a film actress known under the name María Fernández, appears. She falls in love with Rodrigo, and encouraged by his representative, she tries to convince him to invest money in her new film.
However, in addition to being married to Aretusa, Rodrigo is the lover of Celeste, a rebellious and capricious girl. On the other hand, Gonzálo falls in love with Teresa, but this will lead him to do a lot of stupid things.
Power, ambition and hatred will play important roles within this love triangle, which must be surpassed to achieve true happiness.