The Tenth Doctor Adventures, announced in October 2015, is a Big Finish Productionsaudio play series based on the television series Doctor Who. It sees the return of David Tennant as the Tenth Doctor and Catherine Tate as Donna Noble. The first trilogy of stories was released in May 2016.[1][2] In November 2017 a second volume was released, featuring the Tenth Doctor and Rose Tyler.[3][4] A third volume was released in May 2019, with Tate again reprising her role as Donna.[5]
List indicator
This section includes characters who will appear or have appeared in at least one season.
A green cell indicates the actor is a main cast member.
A red cell indicates the actor is a recurring cast member.
A light blue cell indicates the actor is a guest or special guest cast member.
Paying a visit to Earth in Donna's not-too-distant future, the Doctor and Donna discover an alien invasion that seeks to destroy humanity by restricting their intelligence.
An attempt to purchase a new part for the TARDIS reveals a trade in a dangerous weapon.
Donna accepts a proposal from a prince, but soon learns that her new country has a deal with an ancient alien race that will require her to be sacrificed.
Jackie calls in the Doctor and Rose when aliens attack Norwich, but the Doctor swiftly realises this invasion is more than it seems.
The Doctor and Rose meet the Chevalier d'Éon and investigate alien slavers.
A visit to a frozen food storage asteroid reveals the presence of the Ice Warriors.
The Fourth and Tenth Doctors visit the other-dimensional Cathedral of Contemplation just in time to face a Dalek invasion.
The Fifth and Tenth Doctors come together to face a Cyberman invasion of Earth.
The Sixth and Tenth Doctors visit a planet where the multiple local suns mean that the residents never developed the sense of sight, just as Weeping Angels attack the planet.
Note that, while this installment is not directly part of The Tenth Doctor Adventures (owing to the fact that it focuses almost entirely on the Fourth Doctor and his companions), the events that take place within it are canon to the Dalek Universe story arc.