The story centers around the character of Bogola; who is the younger brother of Kali Dutta. Bogola is the captain of a football team Sarbamangala Club managed by his elder brother. The team goes to a village Harbhanga to play in the finals of the Nangteshwar Shield. Monosha's maternal uncle (mama) Gobordhan Chowdhury is the president of the local football club and after losing the ancestral "Nangteshwar shield" (named after his father, Nangteshwar Chowdhury); decides to forcefully marry off Monosha and Bogola to keep the "Shield" in the family. All matters are soon resolved because Monosha and Bogola love each other.[7]
The Times Of India wrote that It’s no doubt an all-time best Bengali comedy flick; ‘Dhanyee Meye’ also explored the beautiful relationship between a sister and his brother.[8]