The Darksword series consists of the initial three books of The Darksword Trilogy, a supplemental role-playing volume, and a single-volume sequel. It was written by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman with cover art by Larry Elmore. It is the story of a young man, born without magic in a society where magic is life, who has been prophesied to destroy the world. The books are published by Bantam Spectra, the science fiction division of Random House.[1] Each book of the trilogy reached the New York Times best seller list.
The Darksword Trilogy consists of Forging the Darksword (December 1, 1987),[2]Doom of the Darksword (May 1988), and Triumph of the Darksword (September 1988). A fourth book is a sequel, Legacy of the Darksword (June 1998). The role-playing game is Darksword Adventures (December 1988).
Forging the Darksword reached 15 on the New York Times bestseller list on December 27, 1987.[3]
Doom of the Darksword reached 9 on the New York Times bestseller list on May 1, 1988.[4]
Triumph of the Darksword reached 12 on the New York Times bestseller list on August 21, 1988.[5]