Seventeen-year-old Raquel Pacheco, who is adopted by an upper-middle-class family, decides to leave her adoptive family and studies at a traditional school in São Paulo behind to become a prostitute, and later a call girl. Shortly after starting work, she decides to write a blog about her experiences. Since some clients thought she looked like a surfer, she adopts the name "Surfistinha", which means "little surfer girl". Her blog becomes a sensation, and quickly becomes one of the most popular blogs in Brazil. Becoming famous, her life changes significantly. She goes on to be interviewed on Brazilian talk shows similar to Oprah and David Letterman, all the while continuing her blog about her racy exploits. However, soon afterwards the fame gets to her in the form of a drug addiction, which makes her do almost anything for a hit.
^Smith, Ian Hayden, ed. (2012). International Film Guide 2012: The Definitive Annual Review of World Cinema (48th ed.). Wallflower Press. p. 79. ISBN978-1-9082-1501-7.