As of 2011 Census, Chapparapadavu Grama Panchayat had a population of 31,622 among which 15,322 are males and 16,300 females. In Chapparapadavu Panchayat, 10.9% of the population was under 6 years of age. Chapparapadavu Panchayat had an average literacy of 92.8% lower than the state average of 94%.[3]
Chapparappadavu is located at 14 km northeast of Taliparamba town. The national highway passes through Taliparamba. Goa and Mumbai can be accessed on the northern side and Cochin and Thiruvananthapuram can be accessed on the southern side. Taliparamba has a good bus station and buses are easily available to all parts of Kannur district. The road from Taliparamba to the east of Iritty connects to Mysore and Bangalore but buses to these cities are available only from Kannur, 22 km to the south. The nearest railway stations are Kannapuram and Kannur on Mangalore-Palakkad line.
Trains are available to almost all parts of India. There are airports at Kannur, Mangalore and Calicut. All of them are small international airports with direct flights available only to Middle Eastern countries.
^Kerala, Directorate of Census Operations. District Census Handbook, Kannur(PDF). Thiruvananthapuram: Directorate of Census Operations, Kerala. p. 242,243. Retrieved 14 July 2020.