At the end of World War II, Kreiswirth returned to Poland in an attempt to rescue Jewish children who had been sheltered by the Catholic Church for the war's duration.
In 1953 he moved to Antwerp in an effort to rebuild the Jewish community there. This move was against the counsel of the Chazon Ish, and the Amshinover Rebbe.[citation needed]
Kreiswirth died on Sunday 30 December 2001 (16 Tevet 5762 on the Hebrew calendar) shortly before midnight, aged 82, after suffering from an illness.[1] He is buried on Har HaMenuchot.
Thousands of people came from all over Europe to participate in the funeral in Antwerp. Among the eulogizers were Dayan (rabbinic judge)Yitzchok Tuvia Weiss and Dayan Elya Sternbuch. Thereafter, the main funeral and burial were held in Jerusalem, where Nosson Tzvi Finkel and others gave eulogies.
In 2015, Rabbis Dov Kreiswirth (Chaim Kreiswirth's son) and Zvi Twersky established Yeshivas Toras Chaim in the Romema neighborhood of Jerusalem in Kreiswirth's name.