Cardo is a Spanish television series created by Ana Rujas and Claudia Costafreda for Atresmedia Televisión. It was produced by Atresmedia Televisión in collaboration with Buendía Estudios and Suma Latina. It premiered on Atresplayer Premium on 7 November 2021.
The fiction, primarily set in Carabanchel,[1] consists of a story displaying "costumbrista" themes, also underpinning an outline of the conditions of the urban precariat.[1][2] It follows María, a woman close to the 30s hooked on drugs and toxic relationships.[3][4] She has decided to help Puri, a 65-year-old woman whose floristry shop is about to close down.[3] María then suffers a motorbike accident.[5]
Based on an original idea by Ana Rujas, Cardo (lit.'Thistle') was created by Rujas together with Claudia Costafreda.[10] It was produced by Atresmedia Televisión in collaboration with Buendía Estudios [es] and Suma Latina.[11] Montse García, Sonia Martínez, Amparo Miralles and Javier Calvo and Javier Ambrossi ("Los Javis") were credited as executive producers.[11] Consisting of 6 episodes,[6] the series was directed by Claudia Costafreda.[12] Shooting began in June 2021 and it took place in Madrid.[13][14]
In December 2021, Atresmedia reported the renovation of the series for a second season.[17][18] Season 2's episodes 1 and 2 premiered on 12 February 2023.[19]