Wálter Guevara Arze was inaugurated on 8 August 1979 as Provisional President of Bolivia and formed his cabinet on 9 August 1979.
Ministry / Date
Foreign and Religious Affaire
Gustavo Fernández Saavedra, ind
Interior, Migration and Justice
Jaime Aranibar Guevara, PRA
National Defense
Ismaél Saavedra Sandoval, mil
Julio Herrera, mil
Planning and Co-ordination
Carlos Miranda Pacheco, ind
Guido Hinojosa C., ind
Education and Culture
Mariano Baptista Gumucio, MNR
Transport, Communications and Aviation
Raúl Anze Tapia, ind
Labor and Union Affairs
Mario Calderón Mendieta, PRA
Industry, Commerce and Tourism
Tomás Guillermo Elío, PSD
Mining and Metallurgy
Hugo Zapata, ind
Oscar Bonifaz Gutierrez, PDC
Energy and Hydrocarbons
Jorge O'Connor D'Arlach, MIR
Agriculture and Peasant Affairs
Carmelo Caballero Contreras, ind
Health and Social Security
Jorge Abularach, ind
Housing and Urbanism
Guillermo Arroyo Rodríguez, ind
Economic Integration
Fernándo Gutierrez Moscoso, ind
Press and Information
Enrique Rocha Monrroy, ind
Ana Maria Romero de Campero, ind
Secretary to the Cabinet
René Canelas López, ind
Fernando Aguirre Bastos, ind
Social Affairs
René Canelas López, ind
PRA – Authentic Revolutionary Party
MNR – Revolutionary Nationalist Movement
PDC – Christian Democratic Party
MIR – Revolutionary Left Movement
PSD – Social Democratic Party
mil – military
ind – independent