In the annual basketball showdown held in a district, a young woman harbors a deep-rooted affection for the team called Trio, stemming from a childhood rescue by its players on the 13th Street Basketball Court years ago. However, when Trio's reign as champions is shattered, she finds herself disheartened. This year, three privileged friends from East Sun College represent Trio, but a chance encounter with the team's leader, Sheng Rou He, leads to an unexpected rivalry.
Unbeknownst to her, Sheng Xue's childhood friend and the leader of her protective entourage, Jin Zi Cong, played a role in Rou He's mishaps on the day of the match. What ensues is a series of revenge plots and unexpected twists, with Sheng Xue vowing to avenge Trio's loss.
Amidst the feud, Sheng Xue's feelings toward Rou He slowly transform, while Rou He is caught between familial obligations and his own complicated past. As the battle for control over the 13th Street unfolds, a fake relationship is forged, leading to a complex web of emotions that even Zi Cong watches with a heavy heart.
Bull Fighting Original Soundtrack (CD+DVD) (鬥牛要不要 電視原聲帶) was released on 7 December 2007 by Various Artists under HIM International Music.[1] It contains twenty songs, twelve of which are various instrumental versions of the eight original songs. The album also includes a DVD. The opening theme song is "Dou Niu Yao Bu Yao" or "Do You Want To Bull Fight?" by Tank, while the ending theme song is by S.H.E entitled "Zui Jing Hai Hao Ma?" or "How Are You Lately?".[2]
The album won Best Original Soundtrack at the 2009 HITO Radio Music Awards presented by Taiwanese radio station Hit FM.[3]
Track listing
"Do You Want To Bull Fight" (鬥牛要不要 (Dou Niu Yao Bu Yao))
Bull Fighting aired in the Philippines in GMA Network from 2 November 2009 – 23 November 2009, in Tagalog-dubbed. Bull Fighting's name has been changed into Freestyle. Also, the original audio with English subtitles being broadcast in TeleAsia Chinese from 12 April 2014.