The name "Brunstock" may mean 'Brun's farmstead", 'Brun's field-path', 'Brun's boundary-post', 'the farm by the burn', 'the field path by the burn' or 'the post by the burn'.[2] Brunstock was "Brumescheyd" in 1124, "Brunescayd" in 1240, "Brunschaith" in 1250, "Bruneskayth" in 1253, "Brunscaith" in 1276, "Brunestach" in 1281, "Brunskeyt", "Brumskeyt" and "Brumschayt" in 1292, "Brunskayth" and "Brunschath" in 1318, "Brunskaith" in 1332, "Brunscayth" in 1345, "Burnscath" in 1422, "litillburnscath'" in 1424, "Bronnsketh" or "Bronsketh" in 1498, "Brunskath" in 1509, "Bronsketh mylne" in 1563, "Bronskewgh" in 1564, "Bruscath flu" in 1576, "Brunscathhead" in 1603, "Brunskathe Becke" and "Brunskaythe Beck" in 1609, "Brunskugh Beck" and "Brunskeugh Beck" in 1610, "Brunstock" in 1662, "Brunstock" or "Brunskeugh" in 1687, "Brim Stock" in 1710, "Brinstock" in 1714.[3]
It is a few miles away from the small city of Carlisle and near the River Eden, there is also Brunstock Beck nearby.