Borderline is an upcoming American comedy thriller film written and directed by Jimmy Warden in his directorial debut. Starring Samara Weaving, Ray Nicholson, and Eric Dane, the film centers on a pop star (Weaving) whose home is invaded by an obsessive fan (Nicholson) who believes they are meant to get married and manipulates her into going along with his delusion.
Set in Los Angeles in the 1990s, a pop star's home is broken in by an obsessive fan who delusively believes they are getting married and manipulates their surroundings to create a wedding atmosphere.[1]
In December 2020, a screenplay titled Borderline, written by Jimmy Warden and backed by LuckyChap Entertainment, was featured on The Black List and received 11 mentions.[3][4] In May 2022, Samara Weaving teased the development of a project in collaboration with her husband Warden during an interview with Harper's Bazaar, with Warden set to write and direct while Weaving would star.[5]Eric Dane attached to star in the same month.[6] In September, it was reported that the film was in production, marking Warden's directorial debut, with Productivity Media co-producing and Radiant Films International handling world distribution rights.[2] The cast also includes Ray Nicholson, Alba Baptista, and Jimmie Fails,[7][8] with Nicholson expressing immediate interest in the project after reading the script due to his attraction to the troupe-breaking and morally imperfect character.[9]
Principal photography began in September 2022 in Vancouver, Canada.[2][10] The film reportedly entered post-production by November,[11][12] with Margot Robbie attached as a producer.[11] Post-production took place at the newly opened Elemental Post Opens Studio in Vancouver,[13] and wrapped up in February 2023,[14] while Warden stated that he would not move forward with the project in the same month until after completing the promotion and release cycle for Cocaine Bear (2023).[15] In August, the film was presented at market screenings during the 48th Toronto International Film Festival.[16] In May 2024, two first-look images of the film were released.[17][18]