Bhikari (transl. Beggar) is a 2017 Marathi-language action thriller film co-produced and directed by Ganesh Acharya. The film stars Swapnil Joshi, Rucha Inamdar and Kirti Adarkar, with Sayaji Shinde, Guru Thakur and Kailash Waghmare in supporting roles.
The film, a remake of the 2016 Tamil-language film Pichaikkaran, revolves around a young businessman who is forced to live the life of a beggar to cure his ailing mother and in the process faces various problems. The film was released on 4 August 2017 to mixed to positive reviews.
Pune Mirror wrote, "The script has remained true to the original, but seems artificial in presentation. And if a South Indian action film seems more realistic than its Marathi version, we have a problem."[2]Times of India wrote "There are films that have the standard run-of-the-mill stuff and others that are totally hatke; Bhikari falls somewhere in between. It has the right mix of star power and masala, along with an emotionally touching story about a mother and her son. The execution is where this film falters."[3]
Box office
Bhikari had a below par opening at the box office. It collected ₹0.31 crore (US$36,000), ₹0.53 crore (US$62,000) and ₹0.64 crore (US$75,000), making a total of ₹1.48 crore (US$170,000) in its first 3-days respectively.