Atticus Circle, named for Atticus Finch from To Kill a Mockingbird, was founded in late 2004 by Anne Wynne after 11 states passed what she considered anti-gay "Discrimination Amendments".[2][3] Wynne is straight and noticed the lack of organizations catering to straight allies. Since its inception, Atticus Circle has participated in campaigns in Texas around GLBT domestic partnership benefits and "Discrimination Amendments". They have advocated against "Don't Ask Don't Tell" policies and for fair family policies. Wynne notes that most gay rights activism is done by gay people, although she finds it a natural issue for straight progressives to support: she says "we haven't gotten on their radar yet."[3]
In October 2007, the organization ran a national "Seven Straight Nights for Equal Rights" event, where the straight community could show support for LGBT rights.[2] It was one of the first such events in Austin and in the United States.[4] The event was held again in 2008.[5]
As of late 2022 the organization's official website was offline. An image captured in February 2021 showed that no updates had been made in the previous seven years.[6]
January–May, 2007: Atticus Circle formed the "Equality Circle", a group of straight volunteers in Austin, Texas, who paired with LGBT people to advocate for equal rights during the 2007 Texas Legislative Session.