Arde Madrid is a Spanish periodcomedy-drama limited television series created by Paco León and Anna R. Costa, which premiered on November 8, 2018, on Movistar+. León also directed every episode of the series and stars in it, alongside Debi Mazar, Inma Cuesta and Anna Castillo. The series tells the story of the period which American actress Ava Gardner spent in Francoist Spain.[1][2] On 14 November 2018, Movistar+ renewed the series for a second season, but on 3 May 2019, the creators announced their decision to not continue the series.[3][4] The series premiered May 5, 2020 in the US and Canada on MHz Choice, a subsidiary of MHz Networks.
Ava Gardner's life in Madrid in the 1960s is told from the point of view of her maid and chauffeur, both spies in Franco's secret service, who report on her hedonistic lifestyle, filled with an elite group of artists, aristocrats and expats.
Inma Cuesta as Ana Mari, an instructor of the Sección Femenina (lame due to polio) entering to work as housekeeper at Ava's Gardner residence to report on the actress' activities by feigning a marriage with Manolo.[5]
Paco León as Manolo, a scoundrel who starts working as Ava Gardner's chauffeur.[6]