The software design is based on the flow-based programming model and offers features which prominently include the ability to operate within clusters, security using TLS encryption, extensibility (users can write their own software to extend its abilities) and improved usability features like a portal which can be used to view and modify behaviour visually.[7]
NiFi is a Java program that runs within a Java virtual machine running on a server.[8] The prominent components of Nifi are:
Web Server - the HTTP-based component used to visually control the software and monitor the events happening within
Flow Controller - serves as the brains of NiFi's behaviour. Controls the running of Nifi extensions and schedules allocation of resources for this to happen.
Extensions - various plugins that allow Nifi to interact with various kinds of systems
FlowFile repository - used by NiFi to maintain and track status of the currently active FlowFile Or the information that NiFi is helping move between systems.
Content repository - the data in transit is maintained here
Provenance repository - data relating to the provenance of the data flowing through the system is maintained here.