The anniversary of the birth of the Italian state was solemnly celebrated in 1911 (50 years), in 1961 (100 years), and in 2011 (150 years).[3]
With the Law of 23 November 2012, n. 222, on the subject of "Regulations on the Acquisition of Knowledge and Skills in the Field of 'Citizenship and Constitution' and on the teaching of the hymn of Mameli in schools", the establishment every 17 March of the "National Unity, Constitution, Anthem and Flag Day" was definitively approved on an annual basis. While remaining a working day, 17 March is considered a "day promoting the values linked to national identity".[4]
The Senate and the Chamber of Deputies have approved; we have sanctioned and promulgate the following: Single article: King Victor Emmanuel II assumes the title of King of Italy for himself and his Successors. We order that the present one, provided with the Seal of the State, be included in the collection of the acts of the Government, sending to anyone who is responsible for observing it and having it observed as the law of the State. From Turin on 17 March 1861
In 1911, between March and April, the 50th anniversary of the birth of the Kingdom of Italy was celebrated with a series of exhibitions in Rome, Florence and Turin. In the latter city, the International Exhibition of Industry and Labor was held.[9] In the capital, whose mayor at the time was Ernesto Nathan, the ethnographic exhibition of the regions was organized (inaugurated on 21 April) and the International Review of Contemporary Art, the Victor Emmanuel II Monument, the bridge Victory Emmanuel II was inaugurated on the Janiculum, the lighthouse of the Italians of Argentina.[9] In Florence the "Exhibition of the Italian portrait from the end of the 16th century to 1861" and the International Floriculture Exhibition was held from March to July.[9]
The volume "The Three Capitals: Turin-Florence-Rome" written by Edmondo De Amicis in 1898 was published in support of the celebrations for the 50th anniversary.[10]
The Accademia dei Lincei, under the guidance of Pietro Blaserna, published the work "Cinquant'anni di storia italiana" in three volumes describing the political, economic and civil life history of Italy from 1861 to 1911.[11]
100th anniversary
The celebrations of the centenary began in 1959 with the visit to Italy of General Charles de Gaulle, from 23 to 27 June, to celebrate the memory of the Franco-Piedmontese alliance that allowed the victorious Second Italian War of Independence, which constituted the spring from which two years later national unification took place. During this visit, military magazines and demonstrations were organized on the battlefields of Magenta, Solferino and San Martino, and a visit to the Victor Emmanuel II Monument in Rome.[12]
In 1961, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the unification of Italy, three exhibitions were organized in Turin: the Historical Exhibition of the Unification of Italy, the Exhibition of Italian Regions and the International Labour Exhibition also known as Expo 61.[13]
On the occasion of the 150th anniversary on 17 March 2011, celebrations were held throughout Italy and a national holiday was proclaimed with schools, offices and suspended work activities. Moreover, in order to avoid burdens on public finance and private companies, the juridical and economic effects of the suppressed holiday of 4 November were shifted to that date, or each employee had to deduct a day of leave required by the annual vacation sum.[15]
The celebrations came alive on 17 March 2011, on the occasion of President Napolitano's visit to Turin.[19] During the three-day visit, the 'Fare gli Italiani' exhibitions (curated by Walter Barberis and Giovanni De Luna) and 'Stazione futuro' (curated by Riccardo Luna) at the OGR Officine Grandi Riparazioni in Turin, and 'La Bella Italia' (curated by Antonio Paolucci) at the Palace of Venaria were inaugurated.[19] Over 2,000,000 visitors attended the Turin celebrations.[3]
With the law no. 222 of 23 November 2012 concerning the "Rules on the acquisition of knowledge and skills in the field of Citizenship and Constitution, and on the teaching of the national anthem in schools", the institution of the National Unity Day, the Constitution, the anthem, and the flag were approved:[20][21]
The Republic recognizes the 17th of March, the date of the proclamation of the unification of Italy in Turin in the year 1861, as "National Unity Day, of the Constitution, of the anthem and of the flag", in order to remember and to promote, in the context of a widespread didactics, the values of citizenship, the foundation of a positive civil coexistence, as well as to reaffirm and consolidate the national identity through remembrance and civic memory
— Italian Parliament, art. 1, paragraph 3, law 23 November 2012, no. 222
160th anniversary
The celebration of the 160th anniversary on 17 March 2021 took place during the COVID-19 pandemic in Italy, which had resulted in the deaths of more of 100,000 Italians.[22][23][24][25]
Italy, hit hard by the health emergency, has once again shown a spirit of democracy, unity and cohesion. In the distancing imposed by the measures to contain the pandemic we found ourselves closer and aware that we belong to a community capable of rising from adversity and renewing ourselves.
18 March has been designated the Day in Memory of the Victims of the COVID-19 pandemic by the Italian government.[26]
National Unity Day
With the Law of 23 November 2012, n. 222, on the subject of "Regulations on the Acquisition of Knowledge and Skills in the Field of 'Citizenship and Constitution' and on the teaching of the hymn of Mameli in schools", the establishment every 17 March of the "National Unity, Constitution, Anthem and Flag Day" was definitively approved on an annual basis. While remaining a working day, 17 March is considered a "day promoting the values linked to national identity".[4]
The Republic recognizes 17 March, the date of the proclamation in Turin, in the year 1861, of the Unification of Italy, as "Day of National Unity, of the Constitution, of the anthem and of the flag", in order to remember and promote, in the context of widespread teaching, the values of citizenship, the foundation of a positive civil coexistence, as well as to reaffirm and consolidate national identity through remembrance and civic memory.
^See p. 54 in Raffaello Morghen L'Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei nel CCCLXVIII anno dalla sua fondazione, nella vita e nella cultura dell'Italia unita, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Roma, 1972 onlineArchived 2012-10-31 at the Wayback Machine