Set after the events of the second book, Sunny Nwazue, who discovered that she is a member of the all female Nimm Warriors, is tasked by Udide, a giant talking spider, to find and return a ghazal stolen by Chichi's mother. If she doesn't, she'll face terrible consequences. Sunny, Orlu, Chichi, and Sasha will have to travel across various settings—the spirit realm, Nimm village, and a parallel universe of plant-based technology—to stop Udide from wreaking havoc on the Nimm women.
The book was ranked as one of the most anticipated book of January 2022 by several magazines and literary websites including Polygon, PopSugar, Book Riot and[6][7][8][9] It received several positive receptions from reviewers upon release. In a starred review, Kirkus Reviews called the novel "An engrossing addition to a thoughtful coming-of-age series".[10] Murad Mahvesh in a review for noted that "The story zips along with plenty of fun twists and turns, scares and surprise, and as usual, Okorafor pulls no punches with current social commentary".[5]