The series' characters include Picco, Tocho, and Fufu, three animals who aim to recover the mystical scales of a fish, Aesop - that way Aesop will be able to fly again.
The main characters in Aesop World include:
Aesop - The main character of the series. It is a mysterious giant fish that flies in the sky. It used to fly around the world, but for many years it has become impossible to fly by dropping scales.
Picco - a female hamster. Naughty at times, but she is curious and cheerful.
Tocho - a male platypus. He is gentle and strong and good at swimming, but can be very gluttonous at times and motivated as soon as food is involved.
Fufu - a male ferret. A little weak and nice. Knowingly, his head spins quickly and comes up with various strategies.