Adventure Soft is a British video game developer and publisher established by Mike Woodroffe, initially as an importer and reseller of Adventure International games as Adventure International (UK), and later using the names Horror Soft, Adventuresoft UK and Headfirst Productions.
The firm operates out of Sutton Coldfield,[1] and is best known for the Simon the Sorcerer series of games.
Adventure International UK
Woodroffe, who owned a music shop in Birmingham, entered the software industry by opening a computer department within the store, Calisto Computers,[2] importing American software which was otherwise unavailable in the UK.[3] The success of many of the titles from Adventure International led to Woodroffe licensing the name from Scott Adams to form Adventure International (UK).[4] The company employed Brian Howarth, the author of the Mysterious Adventures series of text adventures, to convert Adams' titles to run on microcomputers found in the United Kingdom market which were not currently supported.[5]
By 1985, the release of games by Adventure International had slowed and the company began to write other games using the same system. The first[6] and most successful[7] of these was Gremlins – The Adventure (1985), written by Howarth and based on the film Gremlins. Adventure International UK also secured the rights to Howarth's Mysterious Adventures series from Channel 8 Software who had been taken over by Argus Press Software.[8] Several of these games were licensed for release by Tynesoft, who also published Howarth and Woodroofe's[9]Supergran: The Adventure, their first title to be published by a third party.
With the rise of more powerful systems like the Amiga and a growing disinterest in text-focused games, Woodroffe created Horror Soft to actively exploit the graphical and multimedia angle of the games.[2]
Adventuresoft was remodelled as Adventure Soft Publishing in 1992,[1][2] although the company wasn't incorporated until 1998[13]
and the company continued to be referred to as Adventuresoft in the gaming press.[14][15][16] The company continuing the trend towards more graphical gaming with the release of Simon the Sorcerer, their most successful game.[2] The game uses a new engine, the "Adventure Graphic Operating System", written by Alan Cox and based on AberMUD.[2] It also includes voice acting from Roger Blake and Chris Barrie as Simon[14] who played Arnold Rimmer in Red Dwarf. Barrie was replaced by Brian Bowles for the sequel when Barrie’s fees became unaffordable.[2] In 1997 Adventure Soft released The Feeble Files, with the lead character being voiced by Robert Llewellyn[2] who played Kryten also in Red Dwarf.