A Walk Among the Tombstones is a 1992 crime thriller novel by Lawrence Block. It is the tenth novel to feature Matthew Scudder, an ex cop and private investigator.[1]
David Delman of the Philadelphia Inquirer wrote, "The story is compelling, the suspense is relentless, and Block's prose rises to whatever is demanded of it — always uncluttered, never pretentious, tender and tough by turns."[3] Bill Spurgeon of The Star Press said, "Lawrence Block is a graphic writer, and in dealing with crimes of violence he pulls no punches."[4] Jack Wood in the Cincinnati Enquirer called the novel "an exciting, satisfying story with one caveat - it veers close enough to the brutal in some passages to make you squirm."[5] John Bret-Harte in the Arizona Daily Star found that Block "handles dialogue as well as any writer working today."[6]