^Jay proceeded to post but was not formally received at court.
^No report has been found concerning Carmichael’s presentation of credentials as Chargé d’Affaires en titre; he had already been received as Chargé d’Affaires ad interim, February 20, 1783.
^Pinckney was commissioned during a recess of the Senate and recommissioned after confirmation on January 26, 1802.
^Erving was commissioned during a recess of the مجلس الشيوخ الأمريكي and his nomination confirmed by the Senate, October 3, 1814. His commission following confirmation not on record.
^Spain severed diplomatic relations with the U.S. on April 21, 1898. Woodford left post the same day. The United States declared war on Spain as of that date by Act of Congress approved April 25, 1898.
^Storer was commissioned during a recess of the Senate and recommissioned after confirmation on December 14, 1899.
^Hardy was commissioned during a recess of the Senate and recommissioned after confirmation on December 8, 1902.
^ ابWillard took the oath of office, but did not proceed to post under this appointment.
^Bowers was resident during the last part of his ambassadorship at St. Jean de Luz in France. He left that post June 14, 1939, his appointment having terminated May 14, 1939. The embassy had meanwhile been re-established in Spain on April 13, 1939, when H. Freeman Matthews had been received at Burgos as Chargé d’Affaires ad interim.
^ ابجBriggs was not commissioned; his nomination withdrawn before the Senate acted upon it.
^ ابMcKinney took the oath of office, but did not proceed to post under this appointment.