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Artikel ini membutuhkan rujukan tambahan agar kualitasnya dapat dipastikan. Mohon bantu kami mengembangkan artikel ini dengan cara menambahkan rujukan ke sumber tepercaya. Pernyataan tak bersumber bisa saja dipertentangkan dan dihapus.Cari sumber: Eastern Suburbs Sydney – berita · surat kabar · buku · cendekiawan · JSTOR (Februari 2009) EasternSuburbs HillsDistrict Parramatta Blacktown GreaterWesternSydney Hawkesbury Inner West NorthernSuburbs Can...

Запрос «НЭП» перенаправляется сюда; см. также другие значения. РСДРП — РСДРП(б) — РКП(б) —ВКП(б) — КПССИстория партии Октябрьская революция (1917) Военный коммунизм (1918—1921) Новая экономическая политика (1921—1928) Ленинский призыв (1924) Внутрипартийная борьба (1926—1933) Сталиниз...

Martin Daum (2023) Martin Daum (* 28. Oktober 1959 in Karlsruhe) ist ein deutscher Manager und seit dem 1. Dezember 2021 Vorstandsvorsitzender der Daimler Truck AG. Davor verantwortete er die Geschäftsfelder Daimler Trucks und Daimler Buses der Daimler AG.[1] Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Leben 1.1 Ausbildung und Studium 1.2 Einstieg in den Daimler-Konzern 1.3 Daimler Trucks North America 1.4 Vorstand für Daimler Trucks and Buses 2 Weitere Tätigkeiten 3 Persönliches 4 Weblinks 5 Einze...

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Церква Святого Георгія Церква Св.Георгія 50°30′05″ пн. ш. 30°35′03″ сх. д. / 50.501486000027774992° пн. ш. 30.584350000027779259° сх. д. / 50.501486000027774992; 30.584350000027779259Координати: 50°30′05″ пн. ш. 30°35′03″ сх. д. / 50.501486000027774992° пн. ш. 30.584350000027779259° сх....

For other people with the same name, see David Bennett. David BennettGovernment portrait, 2013NHS Chief Executive of MonitorHead of the Policy Directorate in Number 10 Downing StreetIn officeJune 2005 – July 2011Monitor's Interim Chief ExecutiveIn officeMarch 2010 – PresentNHS Chief Executive and ChairIn officeFebruary 2011 – Present Personal detailsBorn (1955-08-03) 3 August 1955 (age 68)OccupationConsultantSalary£282,500 (April 2011) David William Benn...

Flight of an aircraft across the Atlantic Ocean A transatlantic flight is the flight of an aircraft across the Atlantic Ocean from Europe, Africa, South Asia, or the Middle East to North America, Latin America, or vice versa. Such flights have been made by fixed-wing aircraft, airships, balloons and other aircraft. Early aircraft engines did not have the reliability nor the power to lift the required fuel to make a transatlantic flight. There were difficulties navigating over the featureless ...

Este artículo o sección necesita referencias que aparezcan en una publicación acreditada.Este aviso fue puesto el 24 de junio de 2018. Tablilla sobre el diluvio, del Poema de Gilgamesh, (c. siglo VII a. C.), Museo Británico. El término historia de la literatura se refiere a una de las tres disciplinas de la ciencia de la literatura, aquella que se sirve del punto de vista diacrónico y se inserta tanto en esa serie disciplinar literaria de la filología como, en segundo lu...

Destroyed mansion in New York, United States Front facade of Laurelton Hall Living room of Laurelton Hall Not to be confused with Lauralton Hall. Laurelton Hall was the home of noted artist Louis Comfort Tiffany, located in Laurel Hollow a village in the town of Oyster Bay in Long Island, New York. The 84-room mansion on 600 acres of land, designed in the Art Nouveau style, combined Islamic motifs with connection to nature, was completed in 1905, and housed many of Tiffany's most notable work...

Major family descended from Seiwa Genji This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.Find sources: Nitta clan – news · newspapers · books · scholar · JSTOR (February 2013) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) In this Japanese name, the surname is Nitta. Nitta新田The mon of the Nitta clan.Parent house ...

Cheddar cheese with crackers This is a list of notable cheeses in English cuisine. Some sources claim that at least 927 varieties of cheese are produced in England.[1] Fourteen English cheeses are classified as protected designation of origin.[1] In English cuisine, foods such as cheese have ancient origins. The 14th-century English cookery book The Forme of Cury[a] contains recipes for these, and dates from the royal court of Richard II. English cheeses This list is i...

Jupiter, the fifth trump The Swiss Tarot deck is a 78-card deck used for the tarot card games Troccas and Troggu. It is also sometimes called the JJ Tarot or 1JJ Tarot due to the presence of the cards representing Juno and Jupiter.[a] History The deck is derived from the Tarot de Besançon, which itself comes from the Tarot of Marseilles.[1][2] It is an Italian suited pack which substitutes the figures of Juno and Jupiter in place of the Popess and Pope of the Tarot of...

English ceramics manufacturer Midwinter PotteryIndustryPotteryPredecessorW. R. Midwinter (1910-1932), W. R. Midwinter Ltd (1932-1987)Founded1910FounderWilliam Robinson MidwinterDefunct1987FateAcquired by WedgwoodSuccessorMeakin & Midwinter Holdings Ltd 1968-1970, J. & G. Meakin Ltd.HeadquartersBurslem, Stoke-on-Trent, EnglandKey peopleRoy Midwinter (Director)ProductsCeramicsNumber of employees700+ (1930s) The Midwinter Pottery was founded as W.R. Midwinter by William Robinson Midwinte...

Белая королеваангл. The White Queen Жанры драма, исторический Создатель Грегори, Филиппа Основано на Белая королева, Алая королева и Дочь кардинала[d] Сценаристы Эмма Фрост, Лиза МакДжи, Майкл Кэмбелл, Николь Тейлор Режиссёры Колин Тиг, Джеймс Кент, Джэми Пэйн В ролях ...

Lambang Lengan Brok Brok nad Bugiem (bahasa Polandia: Brok dekat Bug) ialah kota kecil yang terletak di Provinsi Masovia, Polandia. Brok berada dalam Powiat Ostrów Mazowiecka (kota kepala daerah ini ialah Ostrow Mazowiecka). Brok ialah salah satu tempat terkecil di Eropa dengan status kota (sejak 1500). Wilayah: 28,05 km² Penduduk (dari 2004): 1882 Komunitas: Brok Kode pos: 07-306 Wali kota: Stanisław Bębenek (sejak 2002) Brok dianggap banyak orang sebagai salah satu tempat terindah di ba...

Questa voce sull'argomento musicisti statunitensi è solo un abbozzo. Contribuisci a migliorarla secondo le convenzioni di Wikipedia. Segui i suggerimenti del progetto di riferimento. Larry Taylor Nazionalità Stati Uniti GenereBluesBlues rockBoogie rock Periodo di attività musicale1965 – 2019 Strumentobasso, chitarra, contrabbasso, voce GruppiCanned Heat Modifica dati su Wikidata · Manuale Larry The Mole Taylor (New York, 26 giugno 1942 – Lake Balboa, ...

Pashtun poet This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.Find sources: Khatir Afridi – news · newspapers · books · scholar · JSTOR (June 2019) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) Khatir Afridi'Khatir AfridiNative nameخاطر افریدیBorn1929Died1968OccupationWriterPoetLanguagePashto, UrduGenrePoe...

ДостопримечательностьАфонтова гора Находки со стоянок Афонтовой горы. Красноярский краеведческий музей. 56°01′35″ с. ш. 92°44′10″ в. д.HGЯO Страна Россия Местоположение Красноярск Статус Объект культурного наследия народов РФ федерального значения. Рег. ...

AN/TPQ-36 Основные характеристики Тип: Мобильная контрбатарейная РЛС Производитель: США Состояние: На вооружении Годы эксплуатации: 1981-наст.время Экипаж: 4 человека Время развёртывания: неизвестно Производительность: неизвестно Сопровождаемых целей: 20 Время полного рас...

Phim cổ trang Việt Nam là những bộ phim điện ảnh, phim truyền hình và đôi khi cả tác phẩm sân khấu (có thu hình) sử dụng trang phục, tập quán và lễ nghi thời cổ đại (cổ trang), thường là thời phong kiến. Phim cổ trang Việt Nam bắt đầu xuất hiện từ năm 1924 và phát triển đỉnh cao vào những năm 90 của thế kỷ 20. Khái niệm Định nghĩa Cho tới hiện tại chưa có một định nghĩa cụ thể ...