Gosfreið V (24 Ƿēodmōnaþ 1113 – 7 Haligmōnaþ 1151) þæs binana ƿæs Martæl ƿæs Eorl of Angeoƿ and æfterƿeard ealdfæder þæs Engliscan cynecynn þāra Middleyldra.
Gosfreið ƿæs cræftig þēoden: he ƿæs Eorl of Angeoƿ, Tours, and Mans be ierfe from 1129 and he ƿeard Eorl of Normandige be ƿige fram 1144. Be his ǣƿe mid Æþelice þemperice, Heanrices Cyninges dōhtor and ierfe, begeat Gosfreið ān sunu, Heanric 'Curtmantle' se fang to rīce on Englum be naman Heanric II Cyning (1154-1189) and þes Heanric ƿæs se form cyning þæs 'Plantagenet' cynecynnes in Englalande; se nama "Plantagenet" is geniman of Gosfreiþes binaman.