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وزارة الطيران (الصومال) تفاصيل الوكالة الحكومية البلد الصومال تأسست 2012 المركز مقديشو الإدارة موقع الويب الموقع الرسمي تعديل مصدري - تعديل جزء من سلسلة مقالات سياسة الصومالالصومال الدستور الدستور حقوق الإنسان السلطة التنفيذية الرئيس حسن شيخ محمود مجلس

Barleria Barleria randii Taxonomische indeling Rijk:Plantae (Planten)Stam:Embryophyta (Landplanten)Klasse:Spermatopsida (Zaadplanten)Clade:BedektzadigenClade:'nieuwe' TweezaadlobbigenClade:LamiidenOrde:LamialesFamilie:Acanthaceae (Acanthusfamilie)Onderfamilie:AcanthoideaeGeslachtengroep:Barlerieae Geslacht BarleriaL. (1753) Afbeeldingen op Wikimedia Commons Barleria op Wikispecies Portaal Biologie Barleria is een geslacht uit de acanthusfamilie (Acanthaceae). De soorten komen wer...

Centre national des archivesHistoireFondation 26 septembre 1970CadreType Archives nationalesPays Burkina FasoCoordonnées 12° 22′ 10″ N, 1° 30′ 49″ OOrganisationSite web - modifier le code - modifier Wikidata Le Centre National des Archives (CNA) ou Archives Nationales, créé le 26 septembre 1970, est une institution chargée de la collecte et de la sauvegarde des archives publiques et privées du Burkina Faso[1]. Il e...
Vista da fachada. San Filippo Neri in Eurosia é uma igreja titular de Roma localizada na Via delle Sette Chiese, 103, no bairro Garbatella do quartiere Ostiense[1]. É dedicada a São Filipe Néri. Depois da morte do cardeal-diácono protetor Attilio Nicora em abril de 2017, o título cardinalício de São Filipe Néri em Eurosia está vago. História Detalhe da abside. A primeira igreja construída em Garbatella foi Santi Isidoro ed Eurosia, construída em 1818 quando a localidade era intei...

Demografi di Jerman dipantau oleh Badan Statistik Federal Jerman (Statistisches Bundesamt). Populasi Jerman per 31 Maret 2016 adalah 82.269.300. Jerman adalah negara dengan populasi terbanyak di Eropa dan ke-19 terbanyak di dunia (CIA, 2017). Dengan tingkat pertumbuhan populasi yang negatif, Jerman diproyeksikan akan mengalami penurunan populasi secara bertahap hingga ke angka 70-75 juta penduduk pada tahun 2060 (Destatis, 2017). Lebih dari 90% warga negaranya merupakan etnis Jerman dan hampi...

Герміона ҐінгольдHermione Gingold Hermione_Gingold_(1973)_by_Allan_Warren.jpgНародилася (1897-12-09)9 грудня 1897Лондон, Сполучене КоролівствоПомерла 24 травня 1987(1987-05-24) (у віці 89 років)New York City, New York, United States·пневмоніяПоховання Форест-ЛаунКраїна Велика БританіяДіяльність акторка, телеакторка,...

لمعانٍ أخرى، طالع قط (توضيح). اضغط هنا للاطلاع على كيفية قراءة التصنيف جنس القط أنواع جنس القط البرية الستة؛ من الأعلى يساراً: القط البري الأوروبي (F. silvestris)، التفة (F. chaus)، القط الإفريقي البري (F. lybica)، السنور أسود القوائم (F. nigripes)، قط الرمال (F. margarita) والقط الجبلي الصيني (F. ...

الجوابر تقسيم إداري البلد المغرب الجهة فاس مكناس الإقليم مولاي يعقوب الدائرة أولاد جمعة لمطة الجماعة القروية لعجاجرة المشيخة الحجرو الشريفة السكان التعداد السكاني 1078 نسمة (إحصاء 2004) • عدد الأسر 156 معلومات أخرى التوقيت ت ع م±00:00 (توقيت قياسي)[1]، وت ع م+01:00 (توقي...

Fitat, substrat alami bagi enzim fitase. Fitase adalah enzim kelompok fosfatase yang dapat memutus ikatan gugus ortofosfat pada rantai inositol senyawa fitat (bentuk utama senyawa fosfor di dalam tanaman).[1] Bebagai jenis fitase telah berhasil diisolasi dari tanaman dan bakteri.[2] Enzim-enzim ini kemudian dapat dikelompokkan berdasarkan pH optimumnya (asam dan basa), mekanisme katalitiknya (asam histidin fosfatase, beta-propeller fitase, dan sistein fosfatase), dan berdasark...

Not to be confused with fascination. Condition of abnormal growth in vascular plants Wyethia helianthoides or mule's ear wildflower (on right) showing fasciation A crested saguaro cactus (Carnegiea gigantea), resulting from fasciation, located at Saguaro National Park (West), Arizona, U.S. Fasciation (pronounced /ˌfæʃiˈeɪʃən/, from the Latin root meaning band or stripe), also known as cresting, is a relatively rare condition of abnormal growth in vascular plants in which the apical mer...

Стів Бушеміангл. Steven Vincent Buscemi Ім'я при народженні Стівен Вінсент БушеміSteven Vincent «Steve» BuscemiНародився 13 грудня 1957(1957-12-13) (65 років)Бруклін, Нью-Йорк[1][2]Громадянство США[3]Діяльність актор, режисер, продюсерAlma mater Інститут театру і кіно Лі Страсберґаd, Nassau Community ...

This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.Find sources: List of heritage buildings and sites in Williamstown, Victoria – news · newspapers · books · scholar · JSTOR (June 2016) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) There are numerous heritage buildings and sites in Williamstown, Victoria, Australia. S...

Alternate account of User talk:TheRedPenOfDoom for use in patroling South Park and Family Guy to clean up my main account watchlist, and for use from public log in sites. Notnotkenny (talk) 00:15, 10 March 2009 (UTC) Yes, this is my alternate account. -- The Red Pen of Doom 00:21, 10 March 2009 (UTC)Reply[reply] re: family cultural references Although I find your desire to undertake the patrolling of these two sets of pages very noble, you are in essence destroying one of the central uses of ...

Open-range zoo in South Australia Monarto Safari Park35°06′08″S 139°08′33″E / 35.1021°S 139.1424°E / -35.1021; 139.1424Date opened1983 (1983)LocationMonarto, South AustraliaLand area1,500 hectares (3,700 acres)[1]WebsiteMonarto Safari Park Monarto Safari Park, formerly known as Monarto Zoological Park and Monarto Zoo, is a 1,500-hectare (3,700-acre) open-range zoo located in South Australia administered by the Royal Zoological Society of South ...

Genre of electronic dance music For the album, see House Music (album). Not to be confused with House band. House musicStylistic origins Disco[1] post-disco[1] Hi-NRG[2][3][4][5] boogie[6][7] electro[8] synth-pop[1] dub[1] jazz[1] Cultural originsEarly 1980s, Chicago, Illinois, United States[9]Typical instrumentsDrum machinessynthesizersDerivative formsAlternative dancebudotsfootworktechnot...

State University in Madhya Pradesh Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya (DAVV)Mottodhiyo yo naḥ prachodayāt(Sanskrit)Motto in EnglishGod help us to improve our intellect, and guide it towards what is rightTypePublicEstablished1964ChancellorGovernor of Madhya PradeshVice-ChancellorProf Renu JainAcademic staff250 (2012)[1]Students9,550 (2012)[1]LocationIndore, Madhya Pradesh, IndiaCampusUrban , 764 Acres in areaAffiliationsUGC, AICTE, NAAC, ACU, AIU, PCI, NCTE, BCIWebsitewww.daun...

Former attraction at Disneyland Flying SaucersAttraction posterDisneylandAreaTomorrowlandStatusRemovedOpening dateAugust 6, 1961 (1961-08-06)Closing dateSeptember 5, 1966 (1966-09-05)Replaced byTomorrowland Stage Ride statisticsAttraction typeBumper carsManufacturersNational Research Associates, IncArrow DevelopmentDesignerWED EnterprisesThemeUFOsVehicle typeFlying saucersRiders per vehicle1Propulsion methodAir Valves Flying Saucers was an amusement ride at Disne...
This article does not cite any sources. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.Find sources: Tampere Central Square – news · newspapers · books · scholar · JSTOR (October 2021) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) Tampere Central Square The Tampere Central Square (Finnish: Keskustori) is a public square in the centre of Tampere, Finland, along the main s...

Swedish rapper, singer, songwriter, DJ and record producer AronChupaAron in 2014Background informationBirth nameAron Michael EkbergBorn (1991-03-30) 30 March 1991 (age 32)Borås, SwedenGenresDanceelectro househip hopelectropopelectro swingpopOccupation(s)RappersingersongwriterDJrecord producerInstrument(s)Synthesizerguitarbass guitarprogrammingvocalsYears active2012–presentLabelsHouse of AlbatraozSonyWebsitewww.houseofalbatraoz.comMusical artist Aron Michael Ekberg (born 30 March 1991&...

В Википедии есть статьи о других людях с такой фамилией, см. Султанов. Гамид Султановазерб. Həmid Həsən oğlu Sultanov 1-й Народный комиссар внутренних дел Азербайджанской ССР 28 апреля 1920 — 1 июня 1921 Предшественник Должность учреждена Преемник Мир Джафар Багиров Председатель Сов...