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Daftar Presiden Afrika Tengah

Berikut merupakan daftar Presiden Afrika Tengah. (Tanggal yang dicetak miring menunjukkan indikasi kontinuitas pemerintahan de facto)

Periode Jabatan Pejabat Afiliasi Catatan
Republik Afrika Tengah
République Centrafricaine
13 Agustus 1960-14 Agustus 1960 Paul Camille Bordier    
14 Agustus 1960-12 November 1960 David Dacko, Presiden Sementara MESAN Periode Jabatan
12 November 1960-31 Desember 1965 David Dacko, Presiden
1 Januari 1966-18 Oktober 1976 Jean-Bédel Bokassa, Presiden Mil/MESAN Changed name to Salah Eddine Ahmed Bokassa
18 Oktober 1976-4 Desember 1976 Salah Eddine Ahmed Bokassa, Presiden Previously named Jean-Bédel Bokassa
Central African Empire
4 Desember 1976-20 September 1979 Bokassa I, Empereur de Centrafrique par la volonté du peuple Centrafricain, uni au sein du parti politique national, le MESAN
Emperor of Central Africa by the will of the Central African people, united within the national political party, the MESAN
MESAN Hitherto President Salah Eddine Ahmed Bokassa
Republik Afrika Tengah
République Centrafricaine (Ködrö tî Bê-Afrîka]])
20 September 1979-1 September 1981 David Dacko, President MESAN/UDC Periode Ke-2
1 September 1981-21 September 1985 André Kolingba, Chairman of the Military Committee of National Recovery Mil  
21 September 1985-29 November 1986 André Kolingba, Head of State RDC  
29 November 1986-22 Oktober 1993 André Kolingba, President  
22 Oktober 1993-15 Maret 2003 Ange-Félix Patassé, President MLPC  
15 Maret 2003-2005 François Bozizé, Presiden Mil  


  • FPO: Front Patriotique Oubanguien (Oubanguian Patriotic Front)
  • MEDAC: Mouvement pour l’Évolution Démocratique de l’Afrique Centrale (Movement for the Democratic Evolution of Central Africa) estd.1960
  • MLPC: Mouvement pour la Libération du Peuple Centrafricain (Liberation Movement of the Central African People) christian-democratic
  • PSD: Parti Social-Démocrate (Social Democratic Party)
  • PUN: Parti d’Unité nationale (National Unity Party)
  • FC: Forum Civique (Civic Forum)
  • MESAN: Mouvement d’Évolution Sociale de l’Afrique Noire (Movement for the Social Evolution of Black Africa) only legal party Nov 1962-1981
  • RDC: Rassemblement Démocratique Centrafricain (Central African Democratic Rally) authoritarian only legal party 1987-1991
  • UDC Union Démocratique Centrafricain (Central African Democratic Union)
  • Mil: Militer
  • n-p: non-partai

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